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Select Publications

Select Conference Presentations

Wilson, K.S., Aladawi, M., Gore Rivero, I., Jerome, A., Terrelonge, K. (2024, June). Friend or Friendly Stranger: Examining how the source of social support influences physical activity goals. Presented at the annual meeting of the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity, New Orleans, LA.

Hoffmann, M. D., Guerrero. M. D., Nguyen, M., & Barnes, J. D. (2024). Exploring cumulative effects of sport participation over time on mental health difficulties among US youth. Presented at the annual meeting of the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity, New Orleans, LA.

Wilson, K.S., Aladawi, M., Gleaves, J., & Fisher, K.L. (2023, June). Is it good to be in a group? Relationship between mental health and perceptions of groupness during remote and in-person physical activity classes. Presented at the annual meeting of the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity, Toronto, ON.

Gore Rivero, I., Terrelonge, K., & Wilson, K. S. (2023). Friendly stranger or friend: Exploring physical activity-related social support. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Western Association for Sport Psychology and Physical Activity, Pomona, California, USA.

Jerome, A., & Wilson, K. S. (2023). With a little help from a familiar face? Pursuing your physical activity goals with or without social support. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Western Association for Sport Psychology and Physical Activity, Pomona, California, USA.

Hayashi, E. F., & Hoffmann, M. D. (2023, November). Mental health and help-seeking: International student-athlete experiences and perspectives. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Western Association for Sport Psychology and Physical Activity, Pomona, California, USA.

Findlay, Z., & Hoffmann, M. D. (2023, November). Mattering Among Collegiate Team Sport Athletes: Assessing Factorial and Convergent Validity. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Western Association for Sport Psychology and Physical Activity, Pomona, California, USA.   

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